Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Since this is my first blog entry, it will probably be my longest one! As stated above my name is Krystal and, yes, I am "one of those hippy veg-ans." After reading the book Skinny Bitch, I decided to experiment with the idea of veganism. I cut out all meat, dairy, honey, and animal by products over night. The end result? I never felt better. I felt much more lighter and energetic. Most importantly, no more stomach aches =)

What's that? You want to hear more about me? OKAY! I started running last summer with a group called Back on My Feet and boy did it change my life. Back on My Feet is a nonprofit organization that helps the homeless fight against addiction by teaching/coaching them into running. It truly is amazing to hear these guys stories of struggle and see them morph into strong positive individuals. I highly suggest that you check out the organization for yourself: Since joining Back on My Feet, I have completed 3 half marathons, 2 10-milers, numerous 5k's, and am now training for my first marathon this fall!

I grew up at the beach and now live in B-more son!.... well B-more county that is. I enjoy hiking, food, photography, food, snowboarding, food, green living, and food! That will be the main focus of this blog. Vegan food, cooking, and living. Along with misc posts about my life and pup! I hope that you enjoy. Here are a few of my favorite things:

My pup Billa

Bugs... I found this guy on my door one day

Gotta love cloths (I'm obsessed with ModCloth... I check their website religiously)

THE FARMER'S MARKET (this guys name is Abu and he makes instruments out of trash)

I've never had a green thumb before, so these plants are KINDA a big deal. Cherry tomatoes, big boy tomatoes, basil, green pepper, chili peppers, lavender, strawberries, dill, cilantro, parsley, and chives


Banksy... and just art in general



and last but not least... my home

I look foward to blogging with you soon =) Much love

1 comment:

  1. you are suck a dork and i mean that in the most loving way! can't wait to read more! p.s. let's go for a hike!
